dhcpinfo command errors

This topic lists errors for the dhcpinfo command.

See Common errors for a list of error messages that apply to all commands.

Table 1. dhcpinfo command errors
Error message Definition
Advanced failover must be enabled before viewing the standby MM's DHCPv6 config. A user tries to view the configuration of the standby management module when advanced failover is disabled.
Command cannot be issued to this type of Blade. Type env –h for help on changing targets. A user issues the dhcpinfo command to a blade server that does not support IPv6.
DHCPv6 information is not available. DHCPv6 is enabled, but the command target is not receiving any DHCPv6 settings.
DHCPv6 is disabled The DHCPv6 assigned configuration can not be retrieved because DHCPv6 is disabled.
IPv6 is disabled The DHCPv6 assigned config can not be retrieved because IPv6 is disabled.
This management network interface is not installed. A user issues the dhcpinfo command to a blade server that does not support a management network interface.