dns command

This command configures and displays the management-module DNS settings.

Table 1. dns command
Function What it does Command Valid targets
Display DNS configuration of management module Displays the current DNS configuration of the management module. Possible return values are:
  • enabled
  • disabled
  • -i1 IPv4_first_ip_address
  • -i2 IPv4_second_ip_address
  • -i3 IPv4_third_ip_address
  • -i61 IPv6_first_ip_address
  • -i62 IPv6_second_ip_address
  • -i63 IPv6_third_ip_address
  • -ddns dynamic_DNS_state (enabled/disabled)
  • -p DNS_server_priority (ipv4/ipv6)
                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

DNS - enable / disable Enables or disables the management-module DNS configuration. dns -state

where state is on or off.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

Dynamic DNS - enable / disable Enables or disables dynamic DNS for the management module. dns -ddns state

where state is enabled or disabled.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

DNS first IPv4 IP address - set Sets the first IPv4 IP address. dns -i1 ip_address

where ip_address is the first IP address in dotted decimal IP address format.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

DNS second IPv4 IP address - set Sets the second IPv4 IP address. dns -i2 ip_address

where ip_address is the second IP address in dotted decimal IP address format.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

DNS third IPv4 IP address - set Sets the third IPv4 IP address. dns -i3 ip_address

where ip_address is the third IP address in dotted decimal IP address format.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

DNS first IPv6 IP address - set Sets the first IPv6 IP address. dns -i61 ip_address

where ip_address is the first IP address in IPv6 format.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

DNS second IPv6 IP address - set Sets the second IPv6 IP address. dns -i62 ip_address

where ip_address is the second IP address in IPv6 format.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

DNS third IPv6 IP address - set Sets the third IPv6 IP address. dns -i63 ip_address

where ip_address is the third IP address in IPv6 format.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

DNS server priority - set Sets the DNS server priority for the management module to IPv4 or IPv6.. dns -p priority

where priority is ipv4 or ipv6.

This command can only be run by users who have one or more of the following command authorities:
  • Supervisor
  • Chassis configuration
See Commands and user authority for additional information.
                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

Example: To set the first IP address of the management-module DNS server to and enable DNS on the primary management module that does not have IPv6 support, while management module 1 is set as the persistent command environment, at the system:mm[1]> prompt, type
                  dns -i1 -on
To display the DNS status of the primary management module, while management module 1 is set as the persistent command environment, at the system:mm[1]> prompt, type

The following example shows the information that is returned from these two commands:

               system:mm[1]> dns -i1 -on
Changes to the network settings will take effect after the next reset of the MM.
system:mm[1]> dns
To display the DNS status of a primary management module that supports IPv6, while management module 1 is set as the persistent command environment, at the system:mm[1]> prompt, type

The following example shows the information that is returned from this command:

               system:mm[1]> dns
-i61 2002:1013::211:25ff:fec3:227d
-i62 ::
-i63 ::
-ddns disabled
-p ipv4