iocomp command

This command displays the compatibility between all blade servers and their I/O modules. It can also display detailed interface information for an individual blade server or I/O module.

Table 1. iocomp command
Function What it does Command Valid targets
Display compatibility between all blade servers and I/O modules Displays I/O module compatibility information for all blade servers and I/O modules. iocomp
                           -T system
Display blade server compatibility details Displays detailed I/O module compatibility information for the specified blade server. iocomp
                           -T system:blade[x]

where x is the blade server bay number.

Display I/O module compatibility details Displays detailed compatibility information for the specified I/O module. iocomp
                           -T system:switch[x]

where x is the I/O-module bay number.

Example: To view I/O module compatibility information for all blade servers and I/O modules, while management module 1 is set as the persistent command environment, at the system:mm[1]> prompt, type
                  iocomp -T system
To view I/O module compatibility information for the blade server in blade bay 1, while management module 1 is set as the persistent command environment, at the system:mm[1]> prompt, type
                  iocomp -T system:blade[1]
To view I/O module compatibility information for the I/O module in bay 2, while management module 1 is set as the persistent command environment, at the system:mm[1]> prompt, type
                  iocomp -T system:switch[2]

The following example shows the information that is returned from these commands:

               system:mm[1]> iocomp -T system
1    xPert1          OK
2    xPert2          OK
3    Development     OK
4    Marketing       OK
5    xpert3          OK
6    Sales           OK
7    xPert4          OK
9    xPert5          OK
11   Finance         OK
12   HR              OK
13   xPert6          OK
14   xPert7          OK

I/O Modules
1    OK
2    OK
3    OK
4    OK
system:mm[1]> iocomp -T system:blade[1]
  Bay     Power         Fabric Type       Fabric on Blade   Compt
-------  -------  ----------------------  ---------------  -------
 IOM 1   On       Ethernet Switch Module  Ethernet         OK
 IOM 2   On       Ethernet Switch Module  Ethernet         OK
system:mm[1]> iocomp -T system:switch[1]
   Bay       Power    Fabric Type      Compat
----------  -------  --------------  ----------
Blade 1     On       Ethernet        OK
Blade 2     On       Ethernet        OK
Blade 3     On       Ethernet        OK
Blade 4     On       Ethernet        OK
Blade 5     Off      Ethernet        OK
Blade 6     On       Ethernet        OK
Blade 7     On       Ethernet        OK
                     n/a             No Fabric
Blade 9     On       Ethernet        OK
                     Ethernet        OK
Blade 11    On       Ethernet        OK
Blade 12    On       Ethernet        OK
Blade 13    On       Ethernet        OK
Blade 14    On       Ethernet        OK