Voltage regulator 03 fault


The specified CPU voltage regulator on the specified blade server encountered a fault.



Alert Category

Blades (Critical) - mmTrapBladeC

Log Source


Automatically notify service




Alarm Panel LED (BC T and BC HT)


User response

If the call home to IBM was successful, you can expect a service call from IBM. In the meantime, perform these steps:
  1. If voltage problem are occurring on multiple blade servers, look for other events in the event log related to power and resolve those events.
    Note: If voltage problems are occurring on multiple blade servers in the same power domain, the problem might be in one of the power modules that power that domain (log in to the advanced management module to see the power modules that are associated with each power domain). Therefore, replace the power modules, one at a time, to see if the problem is resolved.
  2. Check the change history for blade server service processor firmware and BIOS for any issues related to this problem. If so, update the blade server firmware and BIOS.
  3. (Trained service personnel only) Replace the system board.