Complex %04X (blades %s): Soft Shutdown Partition 06 (blades %s) by %s at %s


The specified user requested a soft shudown of the specified partition.



Alert Category

Blades (Informational) - mmTrapBladeS

Log Source


Automatically notify service




Example Message

Complex A01C (blades 4,5,6,7): Soft Shutdown Partition 1 (blades 4,5) request by USERID at (Web)

User response

This event only reports a requested action from a user for auditing purposes. The product may not support the operation. If the product does support the operation and the requested action does not appear to have the desired effect, perform the following:

  1. Check the event log for other events related to the specified blade servers and resolve those events.
  2. Reset the blade system management processor on all blade servers in the scalable blade complex. You can reset the service processor through the advanced management module Web interface from the Blade Power/Restart page.
  3. Reseat the scalable blade complex.
  4. Update the firmware for the service processor on the blade server. You can find the appropriate firmware on the IBM BladeCenter software and device drivers Web page.