Tape alert flags

Use this information to diagnose and resolve tape alert flags for the blade server.

Tape alert flags are numbered 1 through 64 and indicate a specific media-changer error condition. Each tape alert is returned as an individual log parameter, and its state is indicated in bit 0 of the 1-byte Parameter Value field of the log parameter. When this bit is set to 1, the alert is active.

Each tape alert flag has one of the following severity levels:
  • C - Critical
  • W - Warning
  • I - Information
Different tape drives support some or all of the following flags in the tape alert log:
  • Flag 2: Library Hardware B (W) This flag is set when an unrecoverable mechanical error occurs.
  • Flag 4: Library Hardware D (C) This flag is set when the tape drive fails the power-on self-test or a mechanical error occurs that requires a power cycle to recover. This flag is internally cleared when the drive is powered-off.
  • Flag 13: Library Pick Retry (W) This flag is set when a high retry count threshold is passed during an operation to pick a cartridge from a slot before the operation succeeds. This flag is internally cleared when another pick operation is attempted.
  • Flag 14: Library Place Retry (W) This flag is set when a high retry count threshold is passed during an operation to place a cartridge back into a slot before the operation succeeds. This flag is internally cleared when another place operation is attempted.
  • Flag 15: Library Load Retry (W) This flag is set when a high retry count threshold is passed during an operation to load a cartridge into a drive before the operation succeeds. This flag is internally cleared when another load operation is attempted. Note that if the load operation fails because of a media or drive problem, the drive sets the applicable tape alert flags.
  • Flag 16: Library Door (C) This flag is set when media move operations cannot be performed because a door is open. This flag is internally cleared when the door is closed.
  • Flag 23: Library Scan Retry (W) This flag is set when a high retry count threshold is passed during an operation to scan the bar code on a cartridge before the operation succeeds. This flag is internally cleared when another bar code scanning operation is attempted.

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