The Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) must be updated when the system board is replaced.
Use the Advanced Settings Utility to update the UUID in the UEFI-based server. The ASU is an online tool that supports several operating systems. Make sure that you download the version for your operating system. You can download the ASU from the IBM website. To download the ASU and update the UUID, complete the following steps.
asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoUUID <uuid_value> [access_method]
Online authenticated LAN access, type the command:
[host <imm_internal_ip>] [user <imm_user_id>][password <imm_password>]
The following commands are examples of using the userid and password default values and not using the default values:
asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoUUID <uuid_value> user <user_id> password <password>
asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoUUID <uuid_value>
Online KCS access (unauthenticated and user restricted):
You do not need to specify a value for access_method when you use this access method.
asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoUUID <uuid_value>
The KCS access method uses the IPMI/KCS interface. This method requires that the IPMI driver be installed. Some operating systems have the IPMI driver installed by default. ASU provides the corresponding mapping layer. See the Advanced Settings Utility Users Guide for more details. You can access the ASU Users Guide from
Remote LAN access, type the command:
host <imm_external_ip> [user <imm_user_id>[[password <imm_password>]
The following commands are examples of using the userid and password default values and not using the default values:
asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoUUID <uuid_value> host <imm_ip> user <user_id> password <password>
asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoUUID <uuid_value> host <imm_ip>
Bootable media:
You can also build a bootable media using the applications available at