Microprocessor test

Use this information to view microprocessor test error codes and resolve test errors.

Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved.
  • See Parts listing - BladeCenter HX5 to determine which components are CRUs and which components are FRUs.
  • If an action step is preceded by "(Trained service technician only)," that step must be performed only by a trained service technician.
Error code Description Action
089-000-xxx Passed the CPU stress test N/A
089-801-xxx Aborted due to an internal program error.
  1. If the blade server has stopped responding, turn off and restart the blade server. See Turning off the blade server and Turning on the blade server.
  2. Make sure that the DSA code is up-to-date, upgrade if necessary; then, run the test again. The latest code can be found at http://www.ibm.com/systems/ support/supportsite.wss/docdisplay? brandind=5000008&lndocid=SERV-DSA.
  3. Make sure that the system firmware level is up-to-date, upgrade if necessary; then, run the test again. The installed firmware level can be found in the DSA log within the Firmware/VPD section for this component. The latest level firmware for this component can be found at http://www.ibm.com/support/ fixcentral/systemx/groupView? query.productGroup=ibm%2FBladeCenter.
  4. If the blade server has stopped responding, turn off and restart the blade server; then, run the test again. See Turning off the blade server and Turning on the blade server.
  5. (Trained service technician only) If the component failure remains, see Removing and replacing blade server components to replace the failed component.
089-802-xxx Aborted due a system resource availability error.
  1. Make sure at least 1 GB of memory is installed in the blade server (see Installing a DIMM - BladeCenter HX5).
  2. Make sure that the DSA code is up-to-date, upgrade if necessary; then, run the test again. The latest code can be found at http://www.ibm.com/systems/ support/supportsite.wss/docdisplay? brandind=5000008&lndocid=SERV-DSA.
  3. Make sure that the system firmware level is up-to-date, upgrade if necessary; then, run the test again. The installed firmware level can be found in the DSA log within the Firmware/VPD section for this component. The latest level firmware for this component can be found at http://www.ibm.com/support/ fixcentral/systemx/groupView? query.productGroup=ibm%2FBladeCenter.
  4. If the blade server has stopped responding, turn off and restart the blade server; then, run the test again. See Turning off the blade server and Turning on the blade server.
  5. (Trained service technician only) If the component failure remains, see Removing and replacing blade server components to replace the failed component.
089-803-000 CPU test aborted. Memory size is insufficient to run the test. At least 1 GB is required.
  1. If the blade server has stopped responding, turn off and restart the blade server. See Turning off the blade server and Turning on the blade server.
  2. Run the test again.
  3. Make sure that the DSA code is up-to-date, upgrade if necessary; then, run the test again. The latest code can be found at http://www.ibm.com/systems/ support/supportsite.wss/docdisplay? brandind=5000008&lndocid=SERV-DSA.
  4. Make sure that the system firmware level is up-to-date, upgrade if necessary; then, run the test again. The installed firmware level can be found in the DSA log within the Firmware/VPD section for this component. The latest level firmware for this component can be found at http://www.ibm.com/support/ fixcentral/systemx/groupView? query.productGroup=ibm%2FBladeCenter.
  5. If the blade server has stopped responding, turn off and restart the blade server; then, run the test again. See Turning off the blade server and Turning on the blade server.
  6. (Trained service technician only) If the component failure remains, see Removing and replacing blade server components to replace the failed component.
089-901-xxx Failed the CPU stress test.
  1. If the blade server has stopped responding, turn off and restart the blade server; then, run the test again. See Turning off the blade server and Turning on the blade server.
  2. Make sure that the DSA code is up-to-date, upgrade if necessary; then, run the test again. The latest code can be found at http://www.ibm.com/systems/ support/supportsite.wss/docdisplay? brandind=5000008&lndocid=SERV-DSA.
  3. Make sure that the system firmware level is up-to-date, upgrade if necessary; then, run the test again. The installed firmware level can be found in the DSA log within the Firmware/VPD section for this component. The latest level firmware for this component can be found at http://www.ibm.com/support/ fixcentral/systemx/groupView? query.productGroup=ibm%2FBladeCenter.
  4. If the blade server has stopped responding, turn off and restart the blade server; then, run the test again.
  5. (Trained service technician only) If the component failure remains, see Removing and replacing blade server components to replace the failed component.

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