dhcpinfo command

This command displays the IP configuration that is assigned to the primary management module by the DHCP server.

Note: The dhcpinfo command does not apply to eth1, which always uses a static IP configuration.
Table 1. dhcpinfo command
Function What it does Command Valid targets
Display Ethernet channel 0 DHCP configuration If the IP configuration for eth0 is assigned by a DHCP server, the configuration that is assigned by the DHCP server and DHCP server information is displayed. If the IP configuration for eth0 is not assigned by a DHCP server, an error message is displayed. Possible configuration values returned are:
  • -server dhcp_ip_address
  • -n hostname
  • -i ip_address
  • -g gateway_address
  • -s subnet_mask
  • -d domainname
  • -dns1 primary _dns_ip_address
  • -dns2 secondary _dns_ip_address
  • -dns3 tertiary _dns_ip_1address
dhcpinfo -eth0
                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

Example: To display the DHCP server assigned network settings for Ethernet channel 0, while management module 1 is set as the persistent command environment, at the system:mm[1]> prompt, type
                  dhcpinfo -eth0

The following example shows the information that is returned:

               system:mm[1]> dhcpinfo -eth0
-n MM00096BCA0C80
-d linux-sp.raleigh.ibm.com