sol (serial over LAN) command

This command configures SOL functions and indicates SOL status.

Table 1. sol (serial over LAN) command
Function What it does Command Valid targets
Display SOL status Displays the SOL status for the targeted device:
  • When the command target is the primary management module, it displays the following values:
    • -status on/off (global SOL status)
    • -c retry_count
    • -e CLI_key_sequence
    • -i retry_interval
    • -r reset_blade_key_seq
    • -s send_threshold
    • -t accumulate_timeout
    • -v VLAN_id
    Note: The VLAN_id is identified by the "-v" value that is returned.
  • When the command target is a blade server, it displays the following:
    • -status on/off (SOL status for the blade server)
    • Status of any SOL sessions for that blade server:
      • There is no SOL session opening for that blade.
      • There is an SOL session opening for that blade.
      • There is an SOL session opening and it is connected to a Telnet session.
                           -T system:mm[x]
                           -T system:blade[x]

where x is the primary management-module or blade server bay number.

SOL retry interval - set Sets the SOL retry interval to the input value. sol -i value

where value is from 10 ms to 2550 ms, inclusive, in 10 ms increments. If you enter a value less than 10 ms, the retry interval will be set to 10 ms. If you enter a value greater than 2550 ms, the retry interval will be set to 2550 ms.

Command use restricted (see Commands and user authority).

                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

SOL retry count - set Sets the SOL retry count to the input value. sol -c value

where value is from 0 to 7, inclusive. If you enter a value of 0, no retries will be attempted. If you enter a value greater than 7, an error will be displayed.

Command use restricted (see Commands and user authority).

                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

SOL send threshold - set Sets the SOL send threshold to the input value. Setting the threshold value to 1 causes the blade server integrated system management processor to send an SOL packet as soon as the first character is received. sol -s value

where value is from 1 to 251, inclusive. If you enter a value outside this range, an error will be displayed.

Command use restricted (see Commands and user authority).

                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

SOL accumulate timeout - set Sets the SOL accumulate timeout to the input value. sol -t value

where value is from 5 ms to 1275 ms, inclusive. If you enter a value less than 5 ms, the accumulate timeout will be set to 5 ms. If you enter a value greater than 1275 ms, an error will be displayed.

Command use restricted (see Commands and user authority).

                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

SOL enable - global Enables SOL globally for the BladeCenter® unit. The global SOL enable command does not affect the SOL session status for each blade server. sol -status on

Command use restricted (see Commands and user authority).

                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

SOL enable - blade server Enables SOL for the specified blade server. sol -status on

Command use restricted (see Commands and user authority).

                           -T system:blade[x]

where x is the blade server bay number.

SOL disable - global Disables SOL globally for the BladeCenter unit. The global SOL disable command does not affect the SOL session status for each blade server. sol -status off

Command use restricted (see Commands and user authority).

                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

SOL disable - blade server Disables SOL for the specified blade server. sol -status off

Command use restricted (see Commands and user authority).

                           -T system:blade[x]

where x is the blade server bay number.

SOL VLAN ID - set Sets the SOL VLAN ID to the input value. sol -v value

where value is from 1 to 4095, inclusive. If you enter a value outside this range, an error will be displayed.

Command use restricted (see Commands and user authority).

                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

CLI key sequence - set Sets the key sequence that is used to enter the CLI while a Telnet session in SOL mode. sol -e value
where value is the key sequence. In this sequence, a ^ (the carat symbol) indicates a Ctrl that maps to control-key sequences; for example:
  • ^[ (the carat symbol followed by a left bracket) means Esc
  • ^M (the carat symbol followed by a capitol M) means carriage return.
Refer to an ASCII-to-key conversion table for a complete listing of control-key sequences.

Command use restricted (see Commands and user authority).

                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.

Reset blade server key sequence - set Sets the key sequence that will reset a blade server while a Telnet session in SOL mode. sol -r value
where value is the key sequence. In this sequence, a ^ (the carat symbol) indicates a Ctrl that maps to control-key sequences; for example:
  • ^[ (the carat symbol followed by a left bracket) means Esc
  • ^M (the carat symbol followed by a capitol M) means carriage return.
Refer to an ASCII-to-key conversion table for a complete listing of control-key sequences.

Command use restricted (see Commands and user authority).

                           -T system:mm[x]

where x is the primary management-module bay number.


To set the SOL accumulate timeout to 25 ms, while management module 1 is set as the persistent command environment, at the system:mm[1]> prompt, type
                  sol -t 25
To set the reset blade server key sequence to Esc R Esc r Esc R, while management module 1 is set as the persistent command environment, at the system:mm[1]> prompt, type
                  sol -r ^[R^[r^[R
To display the SOL settings for the management module, while the management module 1 is set as the persistent command environment, at the system:mm[1]> prompt, type
To display the SOL settings for the server blade in the third bay, while blade 3 is set as the persistent command environment, at the system:blade[3]> prompt, type

The following example shows the information that is returned from these commands:

               system:mm[1]> sol -t 25
system:mm[1]> sol
-status enabled
-c 3
-e ^[(
-i 250
-r ^[R^[r^[R
-s 250
-t 5
VLAN ID 4095
               system:blade[3]> sol
-status enabled
SOL Session: Not Ready
SOL retry interval: 250 ms
SOL retry count: 3
SOL bytes sent: 0
SOL bytes received: 0
SOL destination IP address:
SOL destination MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:00
SOL I/O module slot number: 0
SOL console user ID:
SOL console login from:
SOL console session started:
SOL console session stopped:
Blade power state: On
SOL recommended action: Internal network path between the AMM and this 
blade server is currently not available.  Please refer to AMM user guide for 
troubleshooting information.