D1001xxx to D1xx3FFF Service processor dump codes

D1xx service processor dump status codes indicate the cage or node ID that the dump component is processing, the node from which the hardware data is collected, and a counter that increments each time that the dump processor stores 4K of dump data.

Service processor dump status codes use the format, D1yy1xxx, where yy and xxx can be any number or letter.

The yy part of the code indicates the cage or node ID that the dump component is processing. The node varies depending on the node from which the hardware data is collected. The node is 0xFF when collecting the mainstore memory data.

The xxx part of the code is a counter that increments each time that the dump processor stores 4K of dump data.

Table 1 lists the progress codes that might be displayed during the power-on self-test (POST), along with suggested actions to take if the system hangs on the progress code. Only when you experience a hang condition should you take any of the actions described for a progress code.

Table 1. D1001xxx to D1xx3FFF dump codes
  • If the system hangs on a progress code, follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. If an action solves the problem, you can stop performing the remaining actions.
  • See Parts listing, type 7891 to determine which components are CRUs and which components are FRUs.
Progress code Description Action
D1001xxx Dump error data
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1011xxx Dump dump header
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D101C00F No power off to allow debugging for CPU controls
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1021xxx Dump dump header directory
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1031xxx Dump dump header fips header
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1041xxx Dump dump header entry header
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1051xxx Dump core file for failing component
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1061xxx Dump all NVRAM
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1071xxx Dump component trace for failing component
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1081xxx Dump component data from /opt/p0
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1091xxx Dump /opt/p1//*
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1111xxx Dump /opt/p0/*
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1121xxx Dump /opt/p1/*
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1131xxx Dump all traces
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1141xxx Dump code version
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1151xxx Dump all /opt/p3 except rtbl
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1161xxx Dump pddcustomize -r command
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1171xxx Dump registry -l command
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1181xxx Dump all /core/core.* files
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1191xxx Dump BDMP component trace (after dump if enough space)
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D11A1xxx Dump any state information before dumping starts
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D11B1xxx Dump /proc filesystem
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D11C1xxx Dump mounted filesystem statistics
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D11D1xxx Dump environment
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1231xxx Dump update dump headers
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1241xxx Dump CRC1 calculation off
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1251xxx Dump CRC1 calculation on
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1261xxx Dump CRC2 calculation off
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1271xxx Dump CRC2 calculation on
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1281xxx Dump output the calculated CRC1 (dump headers)
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1291xxx Dump output the calculated CRC2 (data and data headers)
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D12A1xxx Jump to the position in dump directly after CRC1
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D12B1xxx Initialize the headers dump time and serial numbers
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D12C1xxx Display final SRC to panel
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D12D1xxx Rmove /core/core.app.time.pid
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D12E1xxx Remove /core/core.*
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D12F1xxx Display beginning SRC to panel
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1301xxx Turn off error log capture into dump
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1311xxx Turn on error log capture into dump
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1321xxx Store information about existing core files
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1381xxx Invalidate the dump
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1391xxx Check for valid dump sequence
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D13A1xxx Get dump identity sequence
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D13B1xxx Get dump length sequence
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1FF1xxx Dump complete
  1. Go to Checkout procedure.
  2. Replace the system-board, as described in Replacing the FRU system-board and chassis assembly.
D1xx3000 - D1xx3FFF Platform dump status codes are described in D1xx3y01 to D1xx3yF2 Service processor dump codes

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